Access to a High Quality STEM Education is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE

You can’t teach students you don’t know. You can’t help them create a vision for a future that you don’t believe in first.


The STEM Equity Alliance is a Pennsylvania based nonprofit that works with partner organizations to promote principles of EQUITY and CULTURAL RESPONSIVENESS in the STEM education.

We provide thought partnership, strategic planning, technical assistance, and professional learning services across K-12, higher education, nonprofit, and corporate entities that wish to align their People, Practices, and Policies to produce more equitable outcomes for populations that are under represented in the STEM workforce (industry, education, and research).

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STEM Teacher Diversity from a Better

STEM Pipeline

The US student population is becoming more diverse while the STEM teacher population is not. In order to increase the diversity of STEM educators, there need to be more students of color who are available to pursue STEM degrees. That availability begins with removing the barriers to high quality STEM education at the K-12 level and actively promoting more diverse students to pursue STEM pathways.

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Culturally Responsive

STEM Educators

You can’t effectively teach who you don’t know. While the STEM classroom may be grounded in technical content elements, the presentation of the material can use approaches that center on the lived experiences and authentic context of the learners. As STEM educators embrace more student centered preactices, taking the step into cultrually responsive pedagogy can be a natural progression.

*Pictured here is Washington, DC chemistry teacher Jonte Lee. Find out more about him by clicking here.

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Systems Thinking and Equity Focused Strategic Planning in STEM

Systems need specific STEM Equity strategic plans to set goals and achieve them. In order for real, sustained change to take place, one must first envison the future state that is to be achieved. We can’t simply set academic growth targets for STEM, we must set goals which impact the entire ecosystem.


Access to a great STEM Education is the pathway to community prosperity


Image captured from the Black Boys Code Facebook page

Connect with us!

If you would like to explore how the STEM Equity Alliance can support your efforts in broadening access to high-quality STEM education, submit your request here.